Your financial ally
Get Expert Financial Advice & Achieve Goals With An Experienced Coach That Has Your Back
For many years I have worked with people who are overwhelmed with their finances and feel like they are drowning in debt or have no idea where their money goes from week to week.
I am passionate about helping people feel secure because I know what it feels like to spiral out of control and have to work from the ground up.
The first step is always the hardest, that’s why I’m here to guide you through the Financial Stability Experience.
Navigating your finances can be overwhelming, especially if you’re a parent, military member or spouse, or small business owner. It takes patience and it’s hard to know where to start and what to prioritize.
That’s why I’m here to help.
Financial Stability 101 Virtual Course
In this 4-week course you will build yourself a financial system based on accuracy and adaptability. You’ll find that this budget can grow with you through changing jobs, new family members, and even moving to a new city or country.
That’s because the FSE budget system is designed to last forever.
Learn more about the course on the services page!
let's get coffee
The first step to financial freedom is a 30-minute Free Consultation. We will discuss your current financial situation, what you’re struggling with, and what you want to accomplish most. Together, we will build out a customized plan tailored to your needs and goals.
This meeting can be planned in person or over the phone, or via Zoom, or Facebook messenger. I’m flexible!
Heather Answers Burning Personal Finance Questions
A debt repayment plan isn’t a trademarked, specific formula. It’s simply the plan that you make to change your life. Here are some options for you to choose from to make the best plan for your life.
Different finance professionals have different views on credit cards and I think that has to do with their audience. I prefer to give people the information to make their own choices, rather than making a blanket recommendation.
Consolidation loans are a great idea in theory. If you have a high balance of debt with high interest rates, it may be a good idea for you. If you are considering this option, here’s how to do it successfully.
Have you ever looked at your credit score and thought, what does that even mean? Is it good? Can I fix it? Here’s an explanation of the 6 factors that affect your credit score, and how you can make them better!