
Risk Tolerance

Any time someone says they want to start investing or saving for the future, the first thing a professional asks them is “what’s your risk tolerance?” This is the WRONG QUESTION to base decisions on. There is a tendency to talk about “risk tolerance” as a feeling, or a sense that people innately have as …

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Elvis Builds A Budget

This month we are focusing on building an initial budget, understanding all the different bits of information that go into it, and how we can make it work for us in the future. The best way to see the process is to watch it in action! See how Elvis takes the first steps to financial …

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The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins

J.L. Collins wrote this book for his daughter who asked him to just simplify saving for retirement as much as possible, because she did not want to spend all her time trying to understand and time the stock market. I definitely sympathize.

My path to Financial Independence

I didn’t discover the concept of financial independence in its current context until I was 27-years-old and married. This is the story of how I discovered FIRE and what it means to me.

Building A Budget

When money is tight, the very first step is to become extremely honest with yourself. You have to lay it all out so you can see it at once. I recommend building a budget based on your last full month. Here’s how:

When should I get a Credit Card?

Different finance professionals have different views on credit cards and I think that has to do with their audience. I prefer to give people the information to make their own choices, rather than making a blanket recommendation.

Credit Score 101

Have you ever looked at your credit score and thought, what does that even mean? Is it good? Can I fix it? Here’s an explanation of the 6 factors that affect your credit score, and how you can make them better!

Money Is A Tool

Money is the tool we use to build the life we want. It has no meaning until you assign it to somethings that’s important to you. Working with money is awesome because it gives you back control of your life.